Naturally, I sided with Harry Potter because, at the time, I related more to the eleven year-old who found out he was a wizard.
For the first three years (2001-2003) it seemed to be a war between HP and LOTR. They each released one movie a year. 2001: Sorcerer's Stone vs. The Fellowship of the Ring, 2002: Chamber of Secrets vs. The Two Towers, 2003/04: Prisoner of Azkaban vs. Return of the King. Each year was a competition for me.
Eventually, the Lord of the Rings movies ended, and it was just Harry Potter, but then in 2008 Twilight was released and I had no idea the craze that would come because of it. Now, it's Harry Potter vs. Twilight. Harry Potter is better hands down. Critics agree.
Anyways... back to Lord of the Rings...
I don't understand the craze that is Lord of the Rings either! Some people live by it and I just don't get it. They're entertaining movies to watch, but not to live by. I'm just a sucker for epic battle scenes.
And for some reason, Peter Jackson became famous because of it... which I don't understand. Ya, he made these movies and they were good, but then he went on to make King Kong and The Lovely Bones which were both very good and entertaining movies, but not because his name was attached. And he didn't get any Oscar nominations for those two. Whatever.
The Lord of the Rings trilogy are decent movies. Great visual effects, great epic battles, lots of blood which the Narnia Chronicles lacks, but they're not the greatest things on the Earth. And they did not deserve any Best Picture awards or nominations. Ugh.
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