Warning: May contain spoilers. You've been warned.
Thank god for Wikipedia!
Without it, I would not have been able to survive this movie.
I've seen very, very few horror movies in theaters. I could probably name them all: this one, A Nightmare on Elm Street, and that's it. Phew, quick trip.
I said thank god for Wikipedia because luckily it reveals the entire movie. I can handle gore, I can handle monsters, but I can't handle surprises and things popping out. I used Wiki to make sure I knew what was coming. Without doing this, I probably would've had to leave the theater.
I liked the story. I liked how they weaved the first film into this one and somewhat made this one a prequel-sequel. It takes place prior to the events of Paranormal Activity, and then we see a few clips from that film and then pick up right after Katie leaves the house in the first movie. I thought it was a clever story, although I can see how some may not agree. I also liked that Katie and Micah were in this one. I didn't expect that... I thought it was a completely different story that had absolutely nothing to do with them.
I also like how this movie's hauntings isn't completely like the first one. Everybody was creeped out by Katie's standing over Micah for hours at a time while he slept. I think if I character would've done it in this one, it wouldn't have had that same effect. People wouldn't have found it as creepy. Instead we have things moving and people being taunted and the movie having a baby and a dog added some extra eeriness.
I don't much like the end. I don't like that the two parents die and how abruptly they die (particularly the dad). I do like, however, that it's Katie that's there. Her standing silently in the background as the dad is watching TV is super, super, super creepy.
Do I think there will be a third one? Yes and no. Yes, because this movie is raking in the dough and because we're curious as to where Katie went with Hunter and no, because we don't necessarily need to know where Katie went. Not knowing makes it so much scarier.
Many people hated the movie and I think the first one lost it's credibility with a sequel. When the first one came out, many people thought it was real hauntings, but then they revealed it was fake and planned a sequel. Basically, I like any scary movie that I can walk out of and say 'I survived.' So I did enjoy it. Will I see it again... probably not. ...too scary for me.
Previous movie: Paranormal Activity
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