Warning: May contain spoilers. You've been warned.
Welcome to my official review for the latest Harry Potter movie. This is part one of end of the epic saga. Let's begin.
The Film (and the Book):
First off, could you imagine what this 2 hour and 40 minute movie would've been like if the whole book was squeezed into it? It's not even possible. What's great is that they were able to cover so much and get everything right. From George's ear, to the ministry, to the doe, to Godric's Hollow. So much was covered with so much detail and they gave each scene the appropriate amount of time needed.
In all honesty, I can't think of many differences between the movie and the book. The wedding scene, I think, was altered a lot.
The movie also paced itself very well and when the TV spots say that this is the most action-packed film, they're not lying. Ironically, when you think of this book, you think of walking around in a forest and hanging out in a tent the whole time. But now that there is a movie to show what the book describes, you can see that there actually is a lot of action in the book and these scenes come straight from the pages verbatim (okay, somewhat verbatim).
So the film goes from a slow start to a action scene to a slow part to an action scene and on and on for the remainder of the movie. It keeps you on edge, which is great.
The Acting:

What's great about series like this where the same actors stick around for multiple movies that continuously come out is that we see their progression as actors. Coming from having no acting experience whatsoever to spend 10 years perfecting characters and branching out to different film projects, you can see how Dan, Emma, and Rupert have grown. They were perfect in this movie. Dan even learned how to really cry and Emma can now make us cry without us having to see her cry.
The adult actors were great also. I'd like to mention Jason Isaac's latest portrayal of Lucius Malfoy. Throughout the films he's been in he's been the cocky, self-righteous, pure-blood father, but in this movie (as he is in the book) he perfectly re-characterized himself into a lowlife that is yearning to be on top again. The whole Malfoy family was perfect.
Some of the new characters were just okay. Bill Nighy (aka Davy Jones) as the new Minister for Magic was just okay. He was only in it for a moment, but I hated everything about him which probably means he did a great job playing that character. Brendon Gleeson's (Mad-Eye Moody) son played the eldest Weasley, Bill. Didn't care for him. He didn't look good at all. In the book, he's described as "cool and laid-back".... I didn't see that. Mundungus was dead on, so good for them (although I pictured him with long gross hair for some reason). And finally Luna's dad. I didn't care for him either. I understand that he was supposed to be weird, but in the movie he was just awkward and I'm sorry, but I didn't care for his performance.
"Going Back":
Because this movie had so much time to work with, they were able to cover (for the first time) things that are meant to have already been discussed. The Half-Blood Prince skipped an important scene involving the Gaunt Ring aka the Resurrection Stone, so in this movie they had to discuss it, although it should've already been covered.
Reviews I read before seeing the movie made it sound like the scenes where they talk about these undiscussed things were obvious, awkward, and out of place for those who know the books and for those who have just entered the series (aka idiots) were just confused more. I honestly didn't notice them, but I can understand how people can be confused with the movie if this is the first Harry Potter film they were seeing.

In this "Mentionables" section (I know mentionables is not a word, but I'm going to make it one), I just want to comment on some random things I liked or disliked. These will just be brief.
I was so happy to see Fleur. Dobby's voice changed for the worse. It was higher than it used to be. The dementors were awesome in the Ministry scene. Umbridge is still a bitch and I hate her. The Bellatrix/Hermione scene was brutal to watch and listen to. I understand that's how it was in the book, but I didn't think they'd go all out for the movie. But I must say that it worked and I liked it. That Harry/Hermione scene was steamy as hell! Hermione casting away her parent's memories was heartbreaking. I wish the Dursleys had more of a farewell. Nagini was fucking scary as hell (doesn't help that I'm afraid of snakes). They did great with her and Bathilda Bagshot! I loved my Harry/Ginny moment. :) And, finally, I like that Harry's scar was constantly on his forehead. You know how some claim that the scar was never put on in every scene. Well, every time it was noticeable, it was there.
The Deaths:
When I say spoilers, I mean it. But I just want to focus on the two I found most people cried for. Dobby and Hedwig. Sadly I did not cry for Hedwig and the only reason was that she dramatically died right in the middle of the huge Seven Potters scene. I wanted to
cry, but there was too much going on to stop and mourn for her. I do wish that her death had more acknowledgement after the attack.
Then there was Dobby. I teared up for his death. I think they did it very well and I liked the setting of where he died. It was very dramatic and they did it perfectly.

The Ending (Set up for continuation):
I liked and disliked the ending. I liked it because they just ended it and then I disliked it because they just ended it. I understand that it's just supposed to flow into the next film, but I wish this movie had more of a climax to make you leave wanting more. I knew that the Malfoy Manor scene was the "final battle" of the movie, but it seemed to only be as good as the other action scenes. It didn't stand out as the final action scene of the movie. But I can see how some people are fine with the way they ended it. Because majority of the final film is going to focus on the Battle of Hogwarts, I can see how they ended Part I the way they did so the movies can flow together. (I think at some point in the distant future they will release Part I and Part II as a solid, whole movie.) I will also say that I enjoyed to very last scene where Voldemort takes the Elder Wand from Dumbledore's grave.
The Soundtrack:
Disappointed. Sorry, but nothing stuck out. The new composer said he would base a lot of the movie's music around John Williams' original composition of Hedwig's Theme. I didn't see that. To be blunt, you fail. The composer for Part II better blow my mind.
Overall, I was very satisfied with the movie. I was very impressed that they were able to make it epic and action-packed. I also love that they took their time to get it just right because this is the first part of the last movie that needs to make a lasting impression. Would I call this my favorite Potter movie? Honestly, I'll have to see it again. Prisoner of Azkaban is my favorite movie and book and it will take a lot to beat that.
I cannot wait for the next movie. Thank god it's coming out in just seven months. Hopefully it will be the biggest opening in history, burying Twilight forever. ;)
Previous Film: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009)
Next Film: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part II (2011)
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