Warning: May contain spoilers. You've been warned.

(out of four stars)
This was a very interesting movie for me. It was great insight into the world of gay parenting and I think everyone should see it because it just shows that everything is (somewhat) normal. As expected, the children are perfectly normal and comfortable with their situation. And they're straight which debunks the 'gay parents raise gay children' crap.
I believe this movie deserves its Best Picture nomination, but it doesn't deserve the win.
The story was normal and interesting at first, but then when Julianne started to swing the other way and screw her children's biological father, it got kinda fucked up. I love Julianne, but it was hard for me to watch her be the unfaithful one in the relationship.
It was really disappointing to see Mark Ruffalo's character have a sad ending with no closure. Although, looking at the situation, how could things return to normal with him? They'd have to cut him out of their lives. Poor bastard.
My favorite characters, though, were the kids. Mia Wasikowska and Josh Hutcherson are really talented and will go really far in their careers.
The films was nominated for 4 Oscars: Best Picture, Best Actress (Annette Bening), Best Supporting Actor (Mark Ruffalo), and Best Original Screenplay. I'm really upset that Julianne Moore was snubbed (along with Mila Kunis for the Black Swan). Sadly, I don't think that they will be taking home any Oscars, but to be nominated while on conjuring up $20 million at the box office is pretty big.
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