Warner Bros. announced that after The Dark Knight Rises is released next year, the studio intends to reboot the series.
Really? I can't keep up with this.
First they semi-rebooted/spinoffed X-Men, then rebooted Spiderman, then rebooted Superman, and now they want to reboot Batman? There needs to be a Hollywood law that says there needs to be at least a ten year buffer between reboots.
Christopher Nolan (the current series' director) will be giving up the directors chair, but will continue producing. I like this idea, because I feel that the movies will retain their current level of seriousness unlike the last series where Batman Forever and Batman & Robin were more like comedies over action movies.
The cast will also be… well… recast. So no more Christian Bale. But that's okay with me. (He's starting to bug me.) But now we can put together our own cast. Here we go:
________ as Bruce Wayne / Batman
________ as female lead / love interest
________ as Alfred
________ as Robin (optional)
________ as Commissioner Gordon
________ as (villain of your choice)
Jake Gyllenhaal, Sam Worthington, or Jeremy Renner as Bruce Wayne / Batman
Rachel McAdams or Reese Witherspoon as female lead / love interest
Stanley Tucci as Alfred
Jason Isaacs as Commissioner Gordon
Johnny Depp, Russel Brand, or Joseph Gordon-Levitt as The Riddler
Emily Blunt or Angelina Jolie as Selena Kyle / Catwoman
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