A month ago when this was all speculation, I probably would have been all over Jeremy Renner taking over the role of Jason Bourne from Matt Damon, but now that it very well could be true… I'm not sure.
Now that I take the time to consider it, the trilogy was amazing as it was and it was concluded. Yes, the movie ended with him swimming to safety and not being found, but plenty of series end with hope. *Cough* X-Men: The Last Stand *cough.* The Bourne Ultimatum ended with Bourne discovering the truth about himself after losing his memory in the beginning of the first movie, The Bourne Identity. Therefore his story was concluded.
Now let's make believe that Matt Damon was continuing the role of Jason Bourne. Would I want there to be another one? Maybe… mostly yes… because I can't get enough of him as Jason Bourne. They would just have to start a whole new storyline. Yes, the series has nine - almost ten - books so, having not read them, I don't know what the story could entail. It could work. Could you imagine ten Bourne movies? Identity, Supremacy, Ultimatum, Legacy, Betrayal, Sanction, Deception, Objective, Dominion, Upset. Crazy.
Don't get me wrong, I love Jeremy Renner. Love, love, love him. And before, I was so into him playing this role, but now I'm not questioning whether he should take the role or whether he'd play the role well or not… I'm questioning whether or not the series should be continued. Is it necessary?
Regardless on whether Matt Damon will return or Jeremy takes it or they decide to go another route, Universal announced that The Bourne Legacy will be in theaters August 3rd, 2012.
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