Let me introduce Joe Republican and Joe Democrat!
Joe Republican is an uneducated clueless brainwashed Limbaugh listening Bud drinking Nascar fan. His idea of religious feedom is that everyone should be free to practice thier religion just as long as it's the same as his. He thinks that the answer to any international problem is more bombs and guns. He believes most of the lies he hears on Fox News. He thinks Democrats are communists but does't even know what a communist really is. Watches lots of TV. He doesn't let reality cloud his judgment. He hasn't actually read a book since 8th grade. The only class he did well at in school was gym. Burns most of his trash in a barrel in the back yard. He has an old 1974 Chevy van out back filled with empty beer cans he is planning to tow to the return place and get his deposit back. He just needs to fix the flat tires on the van. He is anti-union since he makes $2 above minimum wage. He has no health insurance.
Joe Democrat is a college educated wine sipping NPR listening folk music fan. He knows the difference between Sunni and Shiite Muslims and respects other relgions even if he doesn't believe in any organized religion. He believes in global warming and evolution because he actually passed his science classes in high school and college. He realizes that war is not usually the right answer for international problems. Watches PBS for news and Keith Olbermann, John Stewart and Colbert for entertainment. He has "liberal" bumper stickers on his Prius. He recycles everything and has a compost pile. Most of his light bulbs are low energy and he is thinking about installing solar panels on his roof.
Source. (check out other descriptions of Joe and Joe there).
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