I think people need to go back to driving school every three years or so. Because, seriously, some people really don't know how to drive.
Above is a picture (the one I drew ;) of an entrance to my mall. The blue line and arrow represent me and how I enter. And the orangish-red is how everybody else would enter. How would you enter?
Now before you give me that 'it's only left or right' bullshit, let's think realistically. Be real. Would you rather go straight in or all the way around? Again, be realistic.
The way I go is even; my lane and the entrance somewhat line up. AND I'm required to cross 2 lanes of traffic whether I am turning or going into the parking lot.
The orange line is out of the way and not even, and someone in a right turn lane shouldn't be anticipating crossing multiple lanes! UGH!
People, people, people. Use your fucking minds!
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