Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I can't wear my earrings? Bullshit.

So work changed they're dress code. Yeah... one of those stories. Before, I couldn't wear my cartilage earring while working. I thought it was only slightly ridiculous. I understood; I got over it. Now, no earrings whatsoever.


Now I can't wear my single, tiny, silver stud in my lobe. You can hardly see the damn thing! It's so stupid.

Girls in my workplace are allowed to wear 2 earrings in each lobe. That's the max. Guys, now, nothing. Um, sexism? Am I right?

It's not bad, if I remember. Like, yeah, I can just take them out. But to remember is a hassle, storing the tiny things away is a hassle, dealing with putting them back in... MAJOR HASSLE. My cartilage hole begins to close during a 9-hour shift. I basically have to re-pierce it everyday now. It hurts and, sometimes, it bleeds.

When it comes to piercings, I think it should be the decision of the store manager. If it looks flattering, it can be left in. Mine looks preppy, sexy, cool. Kids want it. At least I don't have a lip piercing, eyebrow piercing, GAUGES IN MY EARS, whatever!

Work, you're bullshit!

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