It's that time of the year where you have graduation parties every weekend. I've had one. For my high school graduation.
Something that really bothers me is when people have middle school graduation parties. Like who the hell cares? You're going from 8th grade to high school. It's required by law. In my opinion, it's just a stupid excuse to throw a party for your child and scam money out of your relatives. When I'm invited to them, I don't go and I will say "I don't believe in middle school graduation."
It's okay to have a little party immediately following the ceremony with close family, but a huge hoo-hah. No.
The next issue is college graduation. I'm weird in this situation. I don't think it's THAT big of a deal. But when you think about it, it kind of is. I dunno. You elect to go to college and the workload is much more strenuous. But you've already had your party, why have another? I think the high school graduation party is acceptable with the continuation to college. When you graduate from college, you're going out into the real world and you're more mature. There's no need for a party. ...In my opinion, of course.
I dunno. Random. Just something that crossed my mind.
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