Saturday, May 22, 2010

Please make a Charlie's Angels III!!!

Dear Drew Barrymore, please make a Charlie's Angels III!!!!

Who's with me?

Personally, I love these movies. I love women that kick ass. Even if it isn't that realistic.

I've always thought they should make one more. To conclude the series and make it a trilogy. Similar to what they're currently doing with Men in Black and Ghostbusters.

After I googled it to see if anything was in the works, I read that Drew is very interested (like 'it'll happen' interested) in making another and she stated that while promoting He's Just Not That Into You, so it's legit and current... somewhat.

I also saw links on Google about Rihanna being rumored to star in it. Maybe to be the bad guy like Demi Moore? That'd be hott. I love me some Rihanna. But then who'd be Bosley? Bernie Mac is dead may he rest in peace and I doubt Bill Murray would come back. Maybe Rihanna will be Bosley!!! Bahahahaha. Or maybe Shia since he was randomly was in the second one. But I doubt he'd come back. He's a mature, serious actor now. Whatever.

And personally, I enjoy McG films. I live the first two and I loved Terminator Salvation. People says he's crap, but he loves crazy, unrealistic action. Like me.

In conclusion Ms. Barrymore, get to work on that for me. I'd love to see you, Lucy, and Cameron kick some ass one more time. Thanks.

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