Sunday, May 2, 2010

So... Tonight's New Family Guy...

Tonight's episode of Family Guy was the show's 15oth episode. Above is a picture of 150 characters from the show (minus James Woods for some reason, you'd think he'd be in there...)

Tonight's hour-long episode was rather odd. It consisted only of Stewie and Brian and they were locked in a bank vault. Kind of weird for that show to do that, but then again when has Family Guy not be weird and out of the ordinary. That's what makes it great. The two characters went through some serious issues. And it ended on a really nice note. I actually felt a little touched.

The feeling was similar to the episode from an earlier season when Quagmire and Brian go out to dinner and Quagmire rips Brian apart! (video below) Like, while watching it, you don't know whether you should be laughing or taking it seriously.

As odd as it was, the episode was really good. Family Guy never gets old. And then there was like 20 minutes of original, new and old music from the show.

A bag o' weed, a bag o' weed... Lol.

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