Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Ugh, I watched Glee again!

Honestly, I was curious about this particular episode because it had to do with bullying. And, secretly, I wanted to see how this Kurt-boyfriend thing played out.

And I was surprised by how much I liked this episode. It was powerful stuff. And the music was decent.

If you didn't already know, I'm totally anti this show because I'm not a fan of the show choir thing. In the show, they're all misfits, but in my high school, they all thought they were the shit. The only other time I've watched this show was for the Britney Spears episode (which was a disappointment).

Anyways, I just wanted to say how much I liked this episode. Whether I'll watch the next one or not, I dunno yet. But I really liked the music in this episode, like the academy singing Teenage Dream (video above) and the girls singing Livin' on a Prayer. Hot.

I recommend watching it!

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