Warning: May contain spoilers. You've been warned.
Better than I expected. And I was expecting pretty bad...
But I think the movie, in the end, won me over.
The movie revolves around an alien, Megamind (Will Ferrell), who believes he was meant to be a super villain and battle his arch rival MetroMan (Brad Pitt). After MetroMan is defeated and Megamind grows tired of being a evil ruler, he creates a scheme to make an everyday citizen into a super hero for him to battle. And, naturally, nothing turns out that way.
What won me over the most was it's random funny moments. It was the little funny things that made this movie great. For example, when Megamind's disguised as Bernard and says to Roxanne when they're leaving the MetroMan Museum in a hurry because he's about to blow it up, that they're "remodeling, yeah, we're taking out the walls and the ceiling," I wanted to pee my pants. It was the littlest joke, but it made me laugh so hard.
The one thing I didn't like about the movie (besides Megamind's appearance) was the voices. Brad Pitt and Tina Fey were fine, but David Cross, Jonah Hill, and Will Ferrell lost me. Will Ferrell had this odd annoying accent in his voice the entire time. I understand that he is an alien, but I think Will Ferrell's normal voice would've been just fine. Jonah Hill's voice definitely went along with his character's personality, but, for some reason, it didn't work for me. It didn't seem to flow. Maybe I'm just crazy. And finally, David Cross... Eh... I just don't like him so yeah. Done.
I'm very surprised by its opening weekend success. It brought in a whopping $47 million and got the top spot with Due Date coming in second with $33 million! In all honesty, I thought this movie was going to flop, but it was really good. And I didn't see it in 3D, so its not necessary (although they often throw things at the screen for 3D purposes).
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