Saturday, June 12, 2010

Showdown: Chris Tucker vs. Chris Rock

Basically, what this battle boils down to is whose voice can you tolerate more?

Rock: 45
Tucker: 37

Living in:
Rock: New Jersey
Tucker: Florida

Rock's Key Performances:
-Head of State
-The Longest Yard
-Tyler Perry's I Think I Love My Wife
-Madagascar 2
-Death At a Funeral
-Grown Ups
-"Everybody Hates Chris" - Narrator
*77th Academy Awards host.

Tucker's Key Performances:
-The Fifth Element
-Rush Hour
-Rush Hour 2
-Rush Hour 3


I'm sorry, but he has the better voice. His voice is funnier (you know, when it gets really high). When its late and I still have Nickelodeon on after watching the Nanny and Everybody Hates Chris comes on, I always get up because of his voice. You know, the show would be a great show if his fucking annoying voice didn't chime in every five seconds. It's so loud and annoying. And the Rush Hours score some major points with me, and Chris Rock lost some with Madagascar (terrible movie). Chris Tucker also makes as much as Brad Pitt, Denzel Washington, Tom Cruise, etc. Chris Rock isn't anywhere near that. So, Chris Rock, you suck. Chris Tucker, you ROCK!

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