Thursday, July 15, 2010

Retro Review: Jaws 2

Warning: May contain spoilers. You've been warned.

I do not support the continuation of this series past the original, but this one was entertainment.

The story was typical. There's not much you can do when your antagonist is a shark. Obviously the story has to be in the ocean and the only thing it can really do to you is attack you. To progress the story from the original was aging the characters. It's amazing though that this movie was released about 4 years after the original and the characters seemed to have aged 10. Chief Brody looks much older along with his wife. Sean looks like he is maybe 5 years older, but acts like he's a single year old. And finally, Michael, who in the first movie looked maybe 11, now looked at least 18. They never say how much time has past.

With the HUGE amount of money they made with the first one, you'd think they'd upgrade the shark. At least make it's mouth close… No. The shark looks even more fake and disappointing. Yes, it's head gets a little more movement but that's the only thing is the 'GOOD' section of the shark.

The movie also lacks something. The first one had this realistic feel about it. It had instances that made it seem real whereas this one, in my opinion, was just made to be made and everything's as per script and routine. Typical sequel, just entertainment.

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