Sunday, February 13, 2011

Lindsay up for Superman role!

Lindsay Lohan

I don't know about you guys, but I kinda like this idea…

Rumor has it that Lindsay Lohan is up for a major role in the new Zach Snyder Superman reboot.

MovieFone via TMZ:

According to TMZ, Lindsay Lohan’s “people” have informed them that the former actress-turned-troublemaker-turned-jewel-thief will be meeting with the ‘Superman’ “people” soon about a major part in Zack Snyder’s upcoming film. Yes, Lindsay Lohan. And no, we’re not lying — they’re actually reporting that.

They claim the part isn’t Lois Lane (phew), but it’s a “major character.” Could Lohan be among the other females auditioning for this mystery female role that Latino Review claims is the villainous Ursa?

I also thought I read that they axed Lois Lane's character all together, so we'll see if that happens. Either way, I'm glad to see that Lindsay is back up for a major role in a huge movie. Let's just hope she stays out of jail for that to happen.

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