I must say I was disappointed watching the first time, but when I rewatched it, I thought it was so much better and so much funnier!
J Lo. really does make decent romantic-comedies, but she's not always the one that brings all of the laughs. She brings most, but not all.
In Monster-In-Law, Jennifer, Jane Fonda, and Wanda Sykes all sort of shared the comedic spotlight. In this movie Jenn and her leading man shared the spot, but he didn't have quite as many funny scenes as she did. In this movie, the minor characters like her BFF and her 'Single Mothers and Proud' group replace Jane Fonda and Wanda Sykes.
The movie had a lot of funny scenes. My favorites were the birth scene (obviously), anything involving the Babies 'R' Us girls (aka Jan Brady from the Brady Bunch movies), Anthony Anderson's scenes (surprisingly), and Jennifer's BFF. They were all so funny. The birth scene still makes me laugh.
And here's something that bothers me!! What's with TV shows or movies where the woman is having an ultrasound and when the doctor says, "I see three legs" they automatically repeat it as if their baby is deformed? Why don't they just think... hmm... maybe there's a SECOND BABY! Ugh. In this case it was "I see two heartbeats" because they went down there... in the vagina. Vagina, vagina, vagina, vagina! (I'm not being crude... it's in the movie.)
So, this movie is really enjoyable, but it's no Monster-In-Law! But still good. Still good.
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