Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Target Problem

Oh... have you not heard? Well, you're in for a treat. Here's the background information...

Bradlee Dean, the frontman of a Christian rock band in Minnesota called You Can Run But You Cannot Hide, recently said that Muslim countries that execute LGBTs are "more moral than even the American Christians," plus some mouth-foaming about gays engaging in abominations and child molestation. Ugh. So what's the Target connection? Well, Bradlee's ministry received money and support from Tom Emmer, an anti-gay Minnesota Republican running for Governor. And Tom Emmer's campaign got a boost from Minnesota Forward, a PAC running TV ads on his behalf. And Minnesota Forward got $150,000 -- which amounts to about a third of all of their donations -- from Target. So, to follow the money:Target gave $150,000 to Minnesota Forward, which bought TV ads for Tom Emmer, who says "I believe marriage is the union between one man and one woman," and who hangs out with a guy who thinks killing gays is moral. (Source)

Basically I stole that paragraph from another website because I thought it described the situation best. Oh, and if you didn't understand what's going on from that, here's a picture...

This is all appalling. And it's so horrific that it's from Target. I company that I love. It's bullshit. And Target (and Best Buy) stands by their contributions. Click here to view Target's CEO's letter to employees regarding the issue.

I would join the boycott of Target in a heartbeat, but that would mean shopping at Walmart which I find worse (if you lived by me and knew about our disgusting Walmart, you'd understand). So sadly, I will continue shopping at Target. BUT I WONT LIKE IT!

I don't even know what the company was thinking. It's like something you love supporting something you hate. Like seeing Mickey Mouse doing the Nazi salute. It's terrible!

This issue is a few weeks old, but it still has my stomach curling. It's just so awful! It's hard to say this, but... down with Target!

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