Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Strike 2 for Target!

After work today, I drove around town for an hour trying to find season four of Brothers and Sisters which came out today. My first stop... Target. Why? Especially after this.

Well, like I said in that post, Target is way more convenient in my area (I have two Super Targets within ten minutes radius of my house) and it's 150% cleaner than our only Walmart.

Well, guess what? Target didn't have it. And I don't understand WHY! They've carried season 1 through 3, but when I went in today, I couldn't even find those. Thanks to my iPhone, I was able to go to Target's website and I found that the DVDs are now only available online! Once again... why?

Then, pissed off and upset, I drove over to Walmart. They had more of a selection than Target did, but still did not carry Season Four (or the other seasons regardless). I went to their website. They don't seem to carry it at all.

At this point... I'm furious. I then drive all the way on the opposite end of town to Best Buy. Thank god Best Buy, they had it. BUT they were charging $10 more than Target online and Amazon were. It was the most frustrating day. Plus I was in a car with no air condition driving around back and forth. Add that into the equation.


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