Saturday, September 25, 2010

Katy Perry's Sesame Street Music Video Banned from Sesame Street

Stupid religious, conservative parents. After viewing the video above, parents became outraged.

Yes, that is not the greatest outfit to be wearing on a toddler's television show, but that's not her fault I'm sure. Ever heard of the wardrobe department? If the producer of the series let it pass than it's his fault. Blame him, don't blame Katy.

Do toddlers even retain this kind of imagery? Look at her, skimpy dress, overdone makeup, weird hair, a veil, and some poofy flower thing on her head... Children will probably just thing she's a Sesame Street puppet!

Parents just need to get over this bullshit. By age 5, they'll be exposed to something worse than this most likely. If you don't want your children to watch it, then turn it off. Stupid morons.

Whether this music video actually made it on the air, I'm not positive. I'm not a huge Katy Perry fan so I honestly don't care, it's just the thought of parents blowing up at a show about something they can control themselves. Turn off the TV. Simple.

At least it was just Katy Perry doing an extremely edited version of her real song 'Hot N' Cold' instead of Lindsay Lohan guest starring and doing a line of coke with Elmo. So STFU!

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