Warning: May contain spoilers. You've been warned.
It was not that bad. I'm not joking. It was actually pretty funny.
IMDb.com says users give it 4.5/10 stars and Rotten Tomatoes says it's 12% - Rotten. I can see how critics may find it generic, and I suppose it kind of is, but it's still very entertaining.
I actually went into it thinking that it was going to suck, but I was surprised.
You have to give it up for Katherine Heigl. I crown her Queen of Awkward Comedy. You have to admit, her comedic style in this movie is similar to that in Knocked Up and The Ugly Truth and it really does suit her.
In my opinion, Katherine and Catherine made the movie. Catherine O'Hara played her drunk mother and she was freaking hilarious.
I'm not sure if I like the ending yet. I did predict it, but I found it to be short and unrealistic. They would mutually decide not to kill each other... iffy. Especially when they were being chased by so many people.
I was also kind of pissed that every single person they knew turned on them. I started to jokingly predict them thinking that they all couldn't be. BUT THEY WERE! I did not see that coming.
But I did enjoy. It's worth a watch!
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