Friday, June 4, 2010

I Am NOT a Gleek

The "L" is for LOSERS.

Everybody is into this show and I just don't get it. Yes, I have not seen this show and I shouldn't judge. But this show is about the Glee Club, or show choir as my school called it.

Everybody at my school wanted to be in show choir. It was it's own clique. I'm sorry if there are any show choir people reading this, but it's true. If you weren't in the group, you didn't care for them. I lost friends to that stupid group. Because they were the only cult team to win anything at my school, they thought very highly of themselves.

Why would you want to watch a show with hardly any plot (as I've heard until later episodes) and they make crappy choir versions of great songs from Madonna, Lady Gaga, and Britney (coming soon)? I just do not understand it. I will not even give the show a chance. I'm sorry, that's a show you will never catch me watching.

For those of you who do like it, I'm sorry but those are my thoughts and I stand by them.

Side story about show choir, but its kind of unrelated. Kind of. I saw the teacher/coach/instructor for show choir/chorus from my high school with a student of his. They came into my store shopping. Who goes out shopping with their teacher? They were both male too. If you're from my school, you get where I'm going. But really? Hey, Mr. Soandso, you wanna go hang out at the mall? DUMB!

1 comment:

  1. I agree I'm not in to Glee one bit. And its funny how they talk about the show being about "the group that was ignored in hight school." they were ignored because they all were in their own little fantasy world or freaks. lol

    show choir was a cult people who are 22 now still talk about it and still think they are better then everyone else for being it.
