Sunday, June 6, 2010

Movie Review: Sex and the City 2

Warning: May contain spoilers. You've been warned.


This is the first thing I want to talk about. I don't know about your theatre, but during my movie you could see the boom mic poking from the top of the screen. I lost count how many times it happened. It drove me CRAZY! And it only seemed to happen during the New York City scenes. Ugh.

Anyways... the movie...

Hilarious movie. A lot of fluff. Total fluff. But it was fun.

What I love about these movies is that you don't need to see, watch, or understand the show to see the movie. All you need to know is that Carrie is a writer, which you can pick up on anyways.

Next, why the Middle East? Yes, it created some HILARIOUS scenes, but the entire time they were there I was waiting for people to con them or kidnap them or blow up the hotel or something. That may sound bad.

And then the pampering at the hotel... They each got their own cars, their own butlers? I'm sorry, but nobody is that special.

I hope they make the third one by 2012. Just to push it out (as long as the story is good). And hopefully the third one (if there is one) is the final one.

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