Saturday, June 19, 2010

Movie Review: Toy Story 3

Warning: May contain spoilers. You've been warned.

Disney Pixar knows how sequels should be done!

This movie can easily be dubbed one of the greatest sequels ever made!

It could not stop laughing the entire movie. It was great because I felt like a child again. I'm almost 21 years old and I was 6 when the first one came out. I've grown up with these toys and even at my mature *cough* age I'm still attached.

The Toy Story series is also really good when it comes to villains. Like, you will hate every villain they throw at you. Sid (not so much), Stinky Pete, and Lotzo. Lotzo was a bastard and I don't think justice was served. Same with Stinky Pete / The Prospector. At least Sid was emotionally scarred and is probably in an asylum right now for finding out that the toys are alive. Haha.

I'm still trying to get used to the ending. I can't believe Andy gave his toys away... and to the girl whose mom works at the daycare! They're just going to end up back there! If I were Andy, they would've gone in the attic. I could not give up toys that mean that much to me. I have a Woody doll from when the first movie came out... It's still in my room. Call me a loser, but I will never let him go... or any other of my important toys.

Regardless, it was a happy ending and I CRIED!!! When Andy was driving away.... I was heartbroken.

It was an AMAZING movie and I suggest that everybody go see it! I didn't see the 3D version but I'm sure the opening scene would've been awesome!

Official grade: A+++++ Haha.

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