Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Ugh, Kate Gosselin, I love/hate you. Bitch.

I really don't know what to do with Kate Gosselin. If you've seen her on Dancing with the Stars, you know she sucks. Yet she comes back week after week (although she's totally going home tonight on the results show). I'll admit, I've voted for her. I'm a Pamela fan through and through. Last week I called and voted for Pam 5 times, Nicole Scherzinger 3 times, and Kate once.

The one thing the woman is good at is making us pity her and that's all she wants too. She totally goes for those pity votes. I only vote for her because deep down I feel like she could get better and become the season's most-improved star. However, I have to realize that she isn't trying. If she tried, she would be great. Well... good. But apparently she's been skipping rehearsals to go shoe shopping and shit and then plays the "I have eight kids, the paparazzi won't leave me alone" card.

Kate, I'm done voting for you. I wish you would do better. I know you can, but you won't try. You're just a stuck up bitch. I'm so over this Jon & Kate War crap. Their kids should be fostered.

Watch her perform her best routine below.

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