Friday, April 23, 2010

If I see one more Jesus Fish on the rear end of a car...

If I see one more Jesus Fish on the rear end of a car... I'll kill someone. Like really? Are you really going to have the back end of your car preach to me? I don't need that. When I see one, I think this person is a conservative asshole who is against homosexuality and prays before each meal.

You've got to appreciate the jews. They keep to themselves. I don't hear about them hating other groups because a book tells them to. And I never, ever see the Star of David on the rear end of a car. The only time I ever see one is on a necklace. And even that's rare.

People, take your Jesus Fish off your cars and shove it up your ass. If you can fit it up there with all the other shit.

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