Tuesday, May 4, 2010

PAMELA!!! NOOO!! :'(

I'm so upset. Pamela Anderson was voted off of Dancing With the Stars tonight. This is a devastating blow. John said that they had been trying to get her on the show since season one and she finally caved. She gave it her all and we'll miss her. Now we just need Nicole Scherzinger to win this thing! And hopefully Niecy stays for a while too!

And here's my Facebook status after watching it live on TV and throwing a minor temper tantrum:

"I am so fucking furious!!! What the hell? PAMELA ANDERSON SHOULDNT BE GOING HOME!!! I'm so pissed. If you didnt vote for her you are un-American!! Shame on you!! Pamela is an American icon. I'm going to make a Pamela version of the "Leave Britney Alone" video. Fuck!!"


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