Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Movie Review: District 9

Warning: May contain spoilers. You've been warned.

This movie surprised me.

Prior to seeing it, I heard mixed feelings about it. Not about the story, but about how it was filmed. I heard that the entire thing was shot like a documentary. Then, I heard it wasn't. Then, I heard it was a hybrid of documentary style and normal cinematic-style. Well, I've watched it and it's the latter (meaning the hybrid).

In the beginning I thought they were going to lose me with the documentary-style of the film. I don't want to say it was boring, so I'll say it was interesting. It kept you interested. You're learning about this new alien race that lives on Earth with humans.

I want to say around 30-45 minutes into the movie, the story kicks in and the movie actually begins. It's very violent throughout and lots of swears. Just the way I like it. Lol.

The aliens are weird. Definitely like the cockroach guy from Men In Black. It's very interesting that the mothership hovers over a city in South Africa. I liked this. Even in the very, very beginning of the movie they mention that it's odd that it's not over New York City, Chicago, or Washington D.C. instead.

The movie reminded me of Blood Diamond with Leo and that black guy whose name I can never pronounce: Djimon Hounsou. Two unlikely people team up, one is only thinking of himself and the other is fighting for his son and his people. Right?

Anyways, great movie. Deserved it's Oscar nods. It was nominated for Best Picture, Best Screenplay, Best Editing, and Best Visual Effects. It lost to The Hurt Locker, Avatar, and Precious. Oh well.

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