Saturday, May 1, 2010

Movie Review: The Stepfather

Warning: May contain spoilers. You've been warned.

Dun, dun, dun....

Rented The Stepfather tonight and it wasn't terrible.

Beware of what's ahead because I will be rattling off who dies. And I'll mention now that I have NOT seen the original. You probably didn't even know this was a remake.

I liked the movie because we followed the stepfather more than we followed the hero. It was kind of refreshing in my opinion. We follow the stepfather from the previous house he was living at to the new one. We also saw some psychological issues with him that made the audience think that he actually is crazy and not just a killer: talking to himself, straightening crooked objects, the pencils!!

I thought it was dumb that the dad and the lesbian aunt died. The dad I guess was fine and it was required for part of the story. But the aunt could've lived and the audience was just made to believe she was died. The old woman dying was also required.

The end definitely should've been more action-packed. It went by so quick.

AND THE ENDING?! DUMB! He lives and gets away?! What the fuck!! That pissed me off. This movie was supposed to be like Disturbia and Obsessed where they die a disturbing death in the end! Grr. Lol.

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