Saturday, May 22, 2010

Movie Review: Shrek: The Final Chapter

Warning: May contain spoilers. You've been warned.

The first thing I'm going to do in this post is bitch. (Although I'll be bitching mostly throughout).


Seriously. The movie went from Untitled Shrek Sequel to Shrek 4 to Shrek Goes Fourth to Shrek: Forever After and Shrek: The Final Chapter. AND THEY KEEP FLIPPING BETWEEN THE LAST TWO!

There are so many advertisements out for this movie that say different titles. It's so annoying. So I'm just going to dub this Shrek: The Final Chapter.

I was disappointed. It don't think this one lived up to the earlier ones. It wasn't that funny. It only had its moments.

I didn't like how it was like a dream movie. In the beginning, Shrek is shifted to an alternate universe and at the end, returns to reality as if nothing ever happened.

I also feel like this one didn't have anything to do with the others. The Queen (Julie Andrews) was hardly in it. And Artie (Justin Timberlake), who is the current King, was completely omitted. You could watch the first movie and skip 2 and 3 (just know that they have children) and pick up in the 4th one and have everything still make sense.

I was just very disappointed. They could've come up with a better story. One without stupid Rumpelstiltskin.

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