Sunday, May 23, 2010

Lost: Rest in Peace

Tonight was the series finale of the epic ABC show, Lost. Actually I'm watching it as I write.

Erik is a huge, huge fan of the show and I'm watching it with him. He's seen every episode and he was watching it with me last summer but we only got up to the middle of the second season. So, like many others currently watching, I have absolutely no idea what's going on. (And to be honest I don't think he does either; he just claims he does. Jk)

I watched the first 3 episodes when it originally premiered. Up until I saw a polar bear randomly running through the jungle with no explaination. And being in the second season, I still have not found out why an effing polar bear was on a tropical island.

Anyways, I'm watching this episode having no comprehension whatsoever. I give props to those who've stuck with it for this long. Sooner or later I'll see the entire series, but for now it'll rest in peace.

Goodbye Lost.

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