Friday, May 21, 2010

Movie Review: Daybreakers

Warning: May contain spoilers. You've been warned.

I liked where they were going with this, but they could've done it better.

The story was good. In 2019, vampires make up majority of life on this planet and they're capturing and harvesting humans for their blood. Humans are becoming extinct and they in hiding. So basically, pretend you're living in a world of vampires and gas/oil is blood. We're low.

I liked that the vampires in this story were like the traditional vampire. No reflection, feeds on human blood, cannot go in direct sunlight, pale, and die via wooden stake. Notice how I didn't say glittery skin... stupid Twilight.

The movie was really good up until the end which is where they failed. It wasn't very climatic. The final fight scene wasn't dramatic. It could've been done [deciding which word to use] BIGGER!

I liked the idea at the end though. Very clever. You see, when a vampire bites a human that was turned back from being a vampire (so they went human -> vampire ->born-again human), the vampire that bites them becomes human. Then someone bites them and so on and so on. They're trying to turn people back from being vampires so there would be no need to feed on human blood. Creative right?

I also enjoyed seeing Willem Dafoe and Sam Neill in this movie.

Overall, it was a decent movie. Entertaining, scary at times, but it lacked in some areas.

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