Monday, May 3, 2010

Movie Review: Planet 51

Warning: May contain spoilers. You've been warned.

I did a huge no-no! I got myself all hyped up for this movie, and I found myself disappointed in it. It seemed like all of the funny scenes that made me want to see the movie were in the trailer.

The movie was definitely aimed towards kids (obviously), but it didn't have much adult humor like Shrek or How to Train Your Dragon (minus the one hilarious scene when they reference the astronaut's penis).

Justin Long and Jessica Biel were miscast. Their characters were still in high school I believe, but the maturity of their voices made me think they were much older than they were supposed to be.

The reference to the Alien movies at the end was funny and clever. If you didn't notice, the planet's version of a dog looks identical to the alien from the Alien film series. At the end of the movie, one sneaks onto the astronaut's ship prior to leaving the planet. Lol. That alien was really cute in the dog role.

To sum it up, okay movie. Lacked in many areas, somewhat original, glad I saw it, I don't know if I'll buy it. Maybe when it's super cheap.

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