Friday, May 21, 2010

Movie Review: Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs

Warning: May contain spoilers. You've been warned.

Anna Faris, you've been vindicated!

I just wrote a movie review a couple of days ago for Observe and Report and I didn't speak to highly of my beloved. :(

Anyways... Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs...

This movie was amazingly funny and creative.

What I think I loved most about it was that everything was quick. Not like it was a short movie (although it was), but all their movements were quick and funny.

And all of the little things were funny. Such as the monkey, or the sardines or anchovies or whatever, or the island they live on. Everything was just funny.

I should mention that I didn't read the book at all as a child (shame on my parents), and yet this movie was awesome! Seeing the movie without reading, 4,893,059,384; reading the book before a movie, 0.

I definitely recommend this movie. Better than anything Disney would've pushed out. An adult would love this movie. ;)

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