Saturday, May 8, 2010

Movie Review: Iron Man 2

There are very, very, VERY few sequels that live up to their predecessor and this one does. Not like Batman Begins -> The Dark Knight, but more like Spider-Man -> Spider-Man 2. Make sense?

I thought this one was a great continuation. It's always hard to make a sequel to the first in a series. The first in a comic-to-movie movie series is always about that hero and how they get their powers and defeat an easy bad guy. Then, the sequel has to have it's own original story because the hero has already been introduced. If you do it right, you get Iron Man 2, The Dark Knight, and Spider-Man 2. If not... you get Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer.

Anyways, I thought this was a fun movie with a lot of action, and as many laughs as the first. I love Tony Stark.


Now, let's talk about the good and the bad. I'll first state that I do not read the comics and I'm not familiar with things that have happened in the comics. I don't know bad guys, I don't know skills, etc. Just what has been in the movies.

I enjoyed Mickey Rourke. I loved this prison escape although it can never beat the Joker's escape from jail in the Dark Knight. My only problem with Mickey was that I couldn't understand him very well. Very hardcore Russian accent.

I also enjoyed Don Cheadle as the new Rhodey. He was much better than Terrance Howard. I wish that either they started with Cheadle as Rhodey or kept Terrance Howard. I hate it when characters are replaced with other actors like Rachel Dawes (Katie Holmes to Maggie Gyllenhaal) in the Dark Knight. We finally got to see him as War Machine though which was cool.

Scarlett Johansson was a treat. She kicked some major ass. Many times I was afraid that Tony and her character would get together. I was like "uh, no Scarlett, he's Gwyneth's." Haha.

Sam Rockwell's character just pissed me the fuck off. And same with that stupid senator. Go fuck yourself. Dumb.

Samuel L. Jackson. Sir, you need to go away. Why must you appear in every god damn movie. I'm so sick of you. I was also confused with his presence; I understand that he's creating the Avengers or whatever, but do you really need to confuse me when I'm trying to get my Iron Man story straight? Like, they're making an Avengers movie, and they're making an Iron Man 3 and Tony Stark/Iron Man/Robert Downey Jr. will appear in both. I just don't know where they plan to go.

Then, the ending after the credits. The introduction of Thor. We're watching Iron Man 2! Not Thor! Thor has his own movie coming out in a year or two, AND he's also going to be in the Avengers. They're all tying together and it's just confusing me. Like I said, I didn't read the comics, so I don't know what to expect.

In the next one, I'd like to see the bad guy not be a robot. Mickey Rourke wasn't a robot until the very end when Iron Man and War Machine team-up against him. Mickey was wearing one of the suits. I'm tired of robots fighting robots. But, as I said earlier, I'm not familiar with the bad guys in the comic books. We'll see what they do next!

To conclude, it was a great movie and I suggest you see it right away. You'll love it.

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