Sunday, May 23, 2010

Movie Review: Valentine's Day

Warning: May contain spoilers. You've been warned.

Don't worry. I'll chill out with the movie reviews soon. Because I'll have no one to watch movies or see movies with. Bitter you say? Yes, I am. :|

Anyways. Valentine's Day. (ironic)

I LOVED this movie!

I don't want to give too much away because so many things come together in the end. So basically, I love:

1. Anne Hathaway
2. Julia Roberts
3. The Queen
4. Taylors Lautner and Swift
5. Eric Dane and Bradley Cooper
6. Jessica Biel
7. Jennifer Garner

This movie made me love Anne Hathaway ten times more. She really is a great actress! Her phone sex scenes were SOOO funny. I could not stop laughing. And I'm so glad her and Tropher Grace got together!

Julia was paid LOADS of money for almost 6 minutes of screen time. I want to be her. According to she "was paid nearly $12,000 for each word she says in this film: 251 words in return for, reportedly, a $3 million paycheck." I heard it was 6 million. Hmm. But make sure you watch the credits with the bloopers. Her last one is hysterical. Pretty Woman nod!

Queen Latifah is her usual AMAZING self. Her 'African Queen' thing is a nod to Bringing Down the House!

Taylor Swift was amazing! Everybody told me she was a terrible actress, but I thought she nailed the dumb blonde thing! I thought she was hilarious.

The Eric Dane and Bradley Cooper storyline was really cute and I did NOT see that ending coming! Wow.

I hate Jessica Biel on a good day, but I liked her in this. She was pretty funny. And Jennifer Garner when she was beating the crap out of the piñata... awesome! Nearly peed myself.

I thought this was a great movie and I'm definitely buying it. I also read that a sequel is in the works. It's going to be called New Year's Eve and their hoping that the entire cast will return. It's set for a December 2011 release. Can't wait! EVERYONE BETTER RETURN!

Now here's a clip of Anne and Tropher!

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