Friday, May 7, 2010

Transracial adoption? Okay...

This is just plain stupid.

I was just on and I saw an article on how Sandra Bullock's PEOPLE Magazine cover, which features an exclusive picture of Sandra and her new adopted baby, has ignited debate on transracial adoption. Her new son is African-American.

Okay, since when has transracial adoption been seen as a deviant act? Isn't that mostly what adoption is? Don't most people adopt children from other cultures. Ya know.... Brad & Angelina... Madonna... HELLO! Since when is this a feud. People are saying how it can effect the child growing up with parents of a different race.

I understand the extreme feud with gay couples adopting (which IS okay, BTW), but transracial adopting? I think that is extremely dumb. People make me sick!

I say, good for Sandra. Leave the poor girl alone. She's been through enough. She doesn't need this bullshit.

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