Sunday, June 13, 2010

Movie Review: Letters to Juliet

Warning: May contain spoilers. You've been warned.

Usually, I'm not one for the cliché romantic comedy where a young girl travels to a foreign country and falls in love with some young guy with an accent. But, sadly, I was different with this one.

Once the background story was laid out, the rest of the film was very predictable, but I still enjoyed it.

I enjoyed Amanda Seyfried. She's going to be around for a long while. The main guy wasn't that great of an actor, but the two were very cute together. And the old lady is always good (she was also in Atonement).

It was a very happy movie and I'm so glad she dumped the stupid Italian dude. He had no respect for her. It was awful.

I'll definitely be buying the movie. :)

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