Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Retro Review: Alice in Wonderland

Warning: May contain spoilers. You've been warned.

Welcome to my first Retro Review. My retro reviews will be movie reviews of movies that I've seen previously, so I'm kinda just doing them because I love the movie and want to talk about it. For my first one, I'm doing Alice in Wonderland although it's a bad example for what I'm going for since this one is so new. But I saw this in theaters two months ago and just bought the DVD so I thought I'd talk about it.

I love this movie! Love it, love it, love it! I didn't love it when I originally saw it, because I saw the movie by myself for the first time and I wasn't so fond of being alone. Sad note. Side story.

Anyways, I enjoyed Johnny Depp as usual. You can always see Jack Sparrow poke out in all of his characters. Helena Bonham Carter is always fun. I love her in Harry Potter. She's so crazy. And Anne Hathaway is a real treat. She will get an Oscar before she dies.

I love the story for this movie. They mixed both books: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass. I'm not really familiar with either... just the Disney animated version.

What bothers me about Tim Burton's recent movies is that it's almost entirely CGI and in front of green screens. What happened to the good old days with sets and special effects. I guess it kind of worked with this movie. I was okay with it. Tim Burton's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is what irritated me. All the oompa-loompas were one person, multiplied. It was boring. Midgets need work too! Like the original oompa-loompas and the munchkins.

It was also kind of violent for Disney. Lots of talk of decapitation, but only one onscreen. Decapitated heads floating around in a moat. Lots of blood. 3 giant monsters attacking. It's about time Disney stepped up a bit. Pirates pushed them, but not enough to put blood in Narnia (i'm sore about that).

Great movie. Definitely buy it!

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