Friday, June 4, 2010

Movie Review: Prince of Persia

Warning: May contain spoilers. You've been warned.

Sometimes we need to thank god for Jerry Bruckheimer.

For one he gave us Pirates... and CSI. Lol. Now this. PG-13 movies work for Disney (now only if they made the Narnia's that way when they had the chance).

I didn't expect much from this movie, but it definitely surprised me. I really enjoyed it.

I'm still having a hard time picturing Jake Gyllenhaal as a middle-eastern prince. Every time he used his "accent", I chuckled. But it was still a good performance regardless. Some of his stunts were crazy... and he didn't most of them himself.

I enjoyed Tamina. I also enjoyed the actress in Clash of the Titans. I hope she sticks around. And she is extremely pretty.

I enjoy these time travel movies (like Star Trek) until a certain point. With this one, I'm still trying to accept the ending. The movie was amazing until he went ALLLLL the way back to the beginning of the movie. He was able to convince everyone without a shred of proof that his uncle was bad. It was all based on 'brotherly trust.' Whatever. And then Dastan and Tamina are to be married... convenient.

Besides the ending, it was a great piece of entertainment. I don't know where they'd go with a sequel, but I hope there is one as long as Jake and Gemma return. :)

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