Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Movie Review: When In Rome

Warning: May contain spoilers. You've been warned.

I really liked this movie.

Josh Duhamel is really funny... like I wasn't expecting that. Good for him. I didn't expect him to do romantic-comedy so well. We love him in action movies like Transformers but now we can love him here. Kristen Bell was good as well. What's notable is that this is like the first movie where they're both the stars. Josh was only a television star on Las Vegas and Transformers was like his first mega-huge movie. And Kristen Bell... she was the same way. She was Veronica Mars on TV and she was somewhat the star of Forgetting Sarah Marshall by being Sarah Marshall, but no one liked her and movie was about her ex. Anyways, they both did a really good job.

The movie was funny. I wasn't expecting much. I was just going off of what peers told me about it. The scene with the vase was hilarious (although it was in the previews) and the speech was funny.

The one scene that was funny, while making me think 'what the fuck is this' was the scene where they have dinner in the dark. Do places like that exist? It was funny, but seemed so unreal. But then again, that was New York City... Crazy shit happens there.

Overall great movie. Kristen, Josh, Angelica Houston, Danny DeVito, John Heder, Will Arnett, and the dumb heiress chick from Fools Gold... big name people. Fun all around.

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