Friday, June 4, 2010

No Joker in Batman 3!

Dark Knight director Christopher Nolan has ensured that the Joker will not return in the next Batman or any future film "while he's in charge."

I'm glad. May the Academy-Award-winning role be laid to rest with Heath.

What sucks is that the Joker did not die in the Dark Knight. So this is where it gets tricky: does his storyline just end? It wasn't very much concluded. Once they captured Joker, they focused the remainder of the film on Harvey Dent.

Prior to this news, these were the options I came up with: 1. They could mention what happened to the Joker to give it conclusion. 2. Recreate him momentarily like they did for Arnold in Terminator Salvation (although that would kind of disrespectful) or 3. they could have someone dressed as him sitting in the background.

To elaborate on number 3... In Batman Begins, Cillian Murphy (who plays Scarecrow) doesn't have a large part and like the Joker, his character doesn't have conclusion. In the opening sequence to the Dark Knight, he is shown again only briefly as Scarecrow and has a final showdown with Batman. I thought what they'd do with the Joker, is have him come back in the beginning of the third film, but just unfocused on in the background. Like imagine in your head the setting at the asylum and Commissioner Gordon is in the foreground talking to an officer and you see the Joker walking or sitting in the background, heavily guarded. He doesn't talk and there's no close up of him... he's just there. I dunno... I think that that would be enough closure for me.

Anyways, I don't know why I went on and on with that when Nolan said he WONT be in it. Just wanted to share my ideas. Lol.

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