Thursday, June 24, 2010

Retro Review: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

Warning: May contain spoilers. You've been warned.

For some reason, I had the undying urge to watch this movie. So I did and I really wanted to talk about my problems with the movie. There are just so many and as much as I don't want this review to be solely on the bad stuff, it's kind of hard to avoid talking about them. Usually a upside to the movie leads to a downfall. So here we go...

Sam's mom is hilarious. She was hilarious in the first one and the studio realized it and brought it back ten-fold in this one. It was too much. Her drug use? What the eff was that about? We spent like five minutes chasing after her while she was high when that time could've been better used for action. She still was hilarious, but it was a little much.

Racism in this movie was horrifying! What the eff was up with those stupid twins?! Whose idea was that!? That writer should be fired. And I personally believe that Michael Bay is partially responsible. It's his movie, he has to take the heat. These two "don't read," have gold teeth, and Luckily, the twin Transformers have been axed from the next movie. Thank Jesus.

To branch off the racism... The Decepticon, Wheelies (the remote-controlled car), that Megan Fox captures and he turns good and helps them. The stupid little thing talked like a gangster and sweared and humped Megan Fox's leg. Like, why?! So stupid!

That bastard guy that was "appointed by the President" is a douchebag! President Obama would NEVER hire scum like that! Haha. Just saying.

I didn't care for Sam's roommate. He was annoying and a dick in the beginning. Why would you want him coming on the adventure with you? I didn't care for the humanized Decepticon either. I guess it was possible for the story to create her, but I felt it was unrealistic (although I suppose giant robots that turn into cars from outer space is unrealistic also).

The action scenes were awesome. When the descending Decepticons shot down into the aircraft carry... I was speechless. That looked so real! The one scene I didn't like was the opening battle in China. The battle was fine and whatever but there was sooo much going on on screen and I had a hard time figuring out what was going on. Too much commotion.

Otherwise the movie was pure entertainment. The story was lamer than the first, but still good fun. Shia and Megan are amazing and should be together in real life. Lol.

Speaking of Megan, if you haven't heard she will not be reprising her role in Transformers 3. Which makes me want to cry. They're actually replacing her. The character Mikaela Banes will still be in the movie, but instead of Megan Fox portraying the character they hired model Rosie Huntington-Whiteley. Really sad. :(

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