Saturday, June 26, 2010

Movie Review: Shutter Island

Warning: May contain spoilers. You've been warned.

This wasn't terrible actually.

Going into it, I thought I wouldn't understand it. Everybody who had seen it before was telling me how you really need to pay attention and I may need to watch it a second time.

Well, I (with the help of Wikipedia) understood it perfectly. Okay, let me rephrase. I watched the movie, understood most of it, and went to Wikipedia to read the entire plot to help fill in the wholes that I missed.

The movie wasn't actually that hard to follow. My problem was that I second guessed myself. I knew the movie would end up revealing that Leonardo DiCaprio was insane all along. I actually double second guessed myself. I knew that Leonardo DiCaprio's character was insane all along, however, I thought the tables would turn a second time making him actually not insane somehow. I thought that making Leo insane all along was just too simple of a storyline for a Martin Scorsese movie. I was wrong... they went simple.

The one of the big things that confused me about the movie was that we saw Leo and Mark Ruffalo arrive to the island on the ferry. But if they were just playing along with his fantasy, does that mean that that never happened? And a second thing: we saw Mark Ruffalo's body off the side of the cliff on a rock, dead. Then he just casually walks into the room when Leo's talking to the doctor. Does that mean see his body dead off the side of the cliff never happened?

Otherwise it was a great thinking movie. Leonardo deserves an Oscar nod (and hopefully the Oscar...finally). And I also enjoyed seeing Michelle Williams again. We don't see her much anymore. I've also decided that Emily Mortimer is really pretty in an awkward way. Random. Lol.

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