Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Weight Limit for Harry Potter ride. My thoughts...

The idiot Fox reporter said "Disney" when he should've said "Universal"? Did you catch that?

Okay, so... I'm sorry. But I agree with what Universal is doing. No one over the weight of 275 (or whatever they said) should be allowed to ride.

The image below shows what the vehicle for the ride actually is and this was the best and only picture I could find. I'm not positive if that one is the exact car for the ride, but I know that it is something very close to that...

Essentially, it's a car with a robotic arm that holds and maneuvers the seats. The ride is supposed to give you the feeling of riding a broomstick and flying around (according to what I've read about it).

So I can understand why they're restricting weight. They're just taking precautions. Passenger weight has the potential to seriously harm the ride maneuverability. That thing's swinging around 10 hours a day and carrying countless amounts of guests. Weight limit - for the time being - is necessary.

And this may be mean and I'm sorry, but 275 pounds is a generous limit. Make sure you reread that last sentence...I did not say GINORMOUS, I said generous. You shouldn't be over that weight anyways... It's unhealthy. So for those heading to Universal and want to ride this ride which I heard was amazing, make sure you're under 275 by that time. :)

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