Monday, June 7, 2010

The Incredibles: A Violent Love Story

This movie is great. Lol. Because it's so different.

The main reason I brought up this movie was to talk about how… suggestive… this it is.

First we'll talk about the sex and relationship aspect:

For a Disney movie, this is very suggestive. And for the record, I don't really want to use the word suggestive because it makes me sound like a conservative who's thinks people shouldn't even hold hands in public. I just want to discuss how this Disney movie is very different from others and stands out from Disney's conservative morals. Anyways, we see parents kissing. That's normal and fine. Then they turn it up a notch and have them flirt. Then Elastigirl pinches Mr. Incredible's ass. Then Mr. Incredible is leaving for work and Elastigirl pulls him back into the house and closes the door… suggestive. Lol. And finally, 180°, Helen (I'm done calling her Elastigirl) believes that Bob (Mr. Incredible) is having an affair. Adultery in a Disney movie? It's a world gone mad!

The sexual stuff is nothing compared to the violence. Within the first five minutes of this movie, you can find more violence that in any other animated Disney movie. Let's list some of the key crazy ones out, shall we? (Warning: spoilers ahead)

-A man attempts to commit suicide at the beginning of the movie.

-The French bad guy attaches a bomb to a kid.

-A man is seen mugging another man.

-Mr. Incredible punches his boss so hard, he goes through several walls.

-Missiles are shot at an airplane with children aboard and it explodes.

-Mr. Incredible threatens to crush a woman.

-Vehicles run into each other and explode, killing the drivers.

-Syndrome's henchmen shoot at the kids.

-Syndrome kidnaps Jack-Jack.

-Syndrome gets sucked into a airplane's engine.

And those are just SOME of them.

I don't know why I randomly wanted to talk about this. I just find it very interesting that this Disney movie is so suggestive! I mean, this movie has guns, and they're fired! I can only think of a few Disney movies with guns: Bambi, The Rescuers, The Rescuers Down Under, Peter Pan, Tarzan, Atlantis, and Lilo & Stitch. And most of those are used comically.

What upsets me is that Disney and Pixar, at this point in time, have no plans of making a sequel. But Cars and Monsters Inc. have sequels coming out. I don't get it. I can't even think of how there can be sequels to those movies. They're one-hit wonders. Don't get me wrong, I'm excited for Monsters Inc. 2, but I think The Incredibles have a better set up for a sequel. Even at the very end of the movie a new villain appears.

It's just weird.

I'm weird.

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