Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Movie Review: The Wolfman

Warning: May contain spoilers. You've been warned.

See. I told you I'd be doing movie reviews less frequently now. Ha!

I enjoyed this movie.

I'm not that familiar with werewolves. All I know is the full moon thing, shot with a silver bullet will kill it, a bite will turn a human into one, and anything said in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Haha. I don't count Twilight werewolves. Like I said in my review of Daybreakers... this takes it seriously. Twilight's stupid.

Anyway, enough of my bitching about Twilight.

This movie was pretty good. I felt it was rather slow in some parts, but I needed to understand that he can only change during full moons and those only happen once a month and we went through, I believe, four full moons.

I liked that this was a classic horror film. Like it was scary at times, but you took it seriously. I have not seen the classic versions of this movie, but I have a feeling it would follow this same storyline. Except I'm sure the older versions didn't have the gore this one did.

While I felt the movie was slow, I thought it was too short. Or it was lacking something, but I can't quite put my finger on what was missing.

I would've liked the ending to be done differently. I didn't care for the final fight to take place inside. It felt so contained and I wanted them to run around more. Lol. But I liked how the bad werewolf died. And then Hugo Weaving being bitten... I was waiting for him to stab himself with the silver blade or for Emily Blunt to shoot him with the silver bullets, but neither happened. We don't know what happened. It cuts away to a scenic shot of a field and you hear the werewolf howl. I wish there was more definite closure. I wanted them to kill him off, but then it would end werewolves as we knew them, which would've been bad for me.

So, The Wolfman: B+. Loved the action and horror. The werewolf was cool. And I loved Emily Blunt.

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