Monday, June 14, 2010

Movie Review: From Paris With Love

Warning: May contain spoilers. You've been warned.

I'll admit, this movie did NOT have me hooked until 45 minutes in.

It wasn't that interesting, but I still tried to pay attention and it was important to pay attention.

Right at the twist in the movie (which I didn't expect, by the way), I was hooked.

I enjoyed both Jonathan Rhys-Meyers and John Travolta's performances. I've only seen Jonathan in one other movie (August Rush) so I enjoyed watching him. As for John... People keep saying how it's his most original and creative performance of a character since Pulp Fiction. I thought he was funny and was a total badass, but he wasn't that special.

The action scenes were great! And I love how Jonathan doesn't kill a single unimportant person throughout the entire movie and at the very end he has to kill the person most important to him. That may have been a cliché move in the story. But I enjoyed it.

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