Saturday, July 10, 2010

The Future Begins...

Both Star Trek and Terminator Salvation were released in May 2009 (May 8th and May 21st respectively).

When Terminator Salvation, the fourth Terminator movie and the first in a new trilogy set in post-apocalyptic America, it's official title was Terminator Salvation: The Future Begins. As it's release date drew closer, Star Trek's release and advertising campaign forced Terminator to drop it's subtitle. This is because Star Trek's slogan/tagline was also "The Future Begins."

So, Terminator Salvation dropped its subtitle and made it's slogan/tagline "The End Begins."

That is just STUPID!

"The End Begins?" Yes, that makes sense, but that tagline can be used for practically any movie one way or another. What's incredibly dumb is that "The Future Begins" makes 1,000 times more sense for Terminator Salvation... because the first 3 movies they talk about nothing but the future and trying to prevent it and now they're in the future and they can't say that the future is finally beginning.

Star Trek on the other hand is the 10th sequel in the series (whether you'd like to admit it or not: it is a sequel), so it has already established that it takes place in the future. So... it's already begun... it's not just beginning like Terminator 4.

Whether Terminator Salvation's existence is even necessary is not a part of this argument, so don't even go there.

So, Terminator Salvation should've been able to keep its subtitle and Star Trek can suck it! >:0

Although, I love Star Trek! ;)

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